Megan's Law Registry
Megan's Law Registry
What are the 3-tier categories:
Tier 1 offenders are those offenders considered to be at low risk of re-offending.
Tier 2 offenders are those offenders considered at moderate risk of re-offending.
Tier 3 offenders are those offenders considered at high risk of re-offending.
How does an offender register:
Once subject to Megan's Law, an offender must go to the local police department is the town in which they are residing (this may include the State Police.) The offender is reguired to fill out a Uniform Monmouth County Sex Offender Registration Form. This form is an 8-page document containing personal information of the offender. This form, which the offender is required to sign, also alerts the offender to his registration obligations.
For more information regarding Megan's Law or Sex Offender Registrations and Registrants, please visit the New Jersey State Police website for a comprehensive inquiry into Megan's Law and Sex Offenders.